Hybrid: AC & CAC with Roll-up Doors

Through the integration of an air door alongside your presently installed entrance, you are guaranteeing a proficient air barrier even when your solid door is ajar. This, in turn, minimizes the dissipation of frigid air and mitigates the complications linked with frequently accessed openings, encompassing issues like ice formation and safety apprehensions.

A hybrid system combining AC (Air Conditioning) and CAC (Computer-Aided Control) with roll-up doors typically refers to a setup where a controlled environment is maintained using air conditioning, while computer systems are used to monitor and manage the environment. Roll-up doors may be an essential part of this system, as they play a role in maintaining temperature and security.

Integrating AC and CAC with roll-up doors solutions:
• Efficient Temperature Control: AC systems can work in conjunction with CAC to maintain precise temperature levels.
• Enhanced Security: Roll-up doors provide an added layer of security, which is important in environments with sensitive equipment or data.
• Energy Efficiency: The combination of AC and CAC can optimize energy usage and reduce costs.
• Remote Monitoring: CAC systems can enable remote monitoring and control, allowing you to manage the environment from a distance.


Food & beverage industry

Contact BMP Doors Canada

If you have a specific request, a special project in mind, or require detailed specifications for our comprehensive range of high-speed roll-up curtain door applications, our team is fully prepared to address your inquiries.